Thursday, 31 March 2011
Hey guys
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
my noats
the video uses stop start animation throughout
held as one of the best music videos of all time
although this was his first publicised animation he had already started on wallace and gromits big day out
Nick created wallace and gromit in collage
Know for their wackey inventions children and adults love wallace and gromit
Many advertisesing companys have used wallace and grommet to market there brands
the show takes many weeks to film
the original clay wallace and gromit were burnt a few years ago
the original creture comforts began in the 80's
the voices are of real people in interviews and the clay animals are based on the interviewees
cretures comforts like wallace and grommit has been used to advertise many products as it is a much loved show
Nick park's first feature film was chiken run wich was relesed in 2000
mel gibson voiced the role of rockey
won 22 awards and nominated for a bafta and an oscor
draws its influence from the great escape
like nick parks other works this film has been seen as a british tresure
the chickens ginger and rocky were named after nick parks real chickens
in 2005 wallace and gromit got thire first feature film curse of the were rabbit
it won an oscar and 30 other awards
the animations were so focused each character had at least 30 diffrent versions of its self to portray diffrent expressions
the film required 2.8 tonnes of plastacence
hailed as one of the best animations of all time
Although celebrity death match is very diffrent from wallace and grommit with heavy play on vilonce many feel that the show would not be soo popular without its wallace and grommit roots
the show took about the same time to film than wallace and gromit
Seth green is a known fan of nick park and even parodyed wallace and grommit in one of his robot chicken sketches
the show differs to nick parks work as they use a mix of action figures and clay and many feel that it is the dawn of a new age in clay mation
nick park has been herd saying that he watches the show from time to time
abbie your work is fine but im sorry i dont have any links sam did most of the original powerpoint see you tomorow hope you have your stuff :)
final presentation
Claymation- Research Post
Figure 3: Scan from Ray Harryhausen A Birthday Celebration
Ray Harryhausen's groundbreaking and breathtaking work lives on within generations and continues to inspire others. Such as Nick Park.
List of Illustrations:
Figure 1: Gumby-Weight and See (1957) From: The Gumby Show. On Livejournal (Accessed on: 29.03.11)
Figure 2: Ray Harryhausen with Film Models (Date Unknown) On Blogspot,r:14,s:117&tx=113&ty=65&biw=1439&bih=780 (Accessed on: 29.03.11)
Figure 3: Scan from Ray Harryhausen A Birthday Celebration. BAFTA and BFI Booklet accompanying the event of Ray Harryhausen's 90th Birthday Celebration At BFI Southbank 2010
(Not sure how to reference an image I scanned from a booklet correctly)
Author & Date unknown. Claymation. (Accessed on: 29.03.11)
Gumby- Weight and See (1957) (Accessed on: 29.03.11)
The Sculptor's Nightmare Part 01 (1908)
(Accessed on: 29.03.11)
The Sculptor's Nightmare Part 02 (1908)
(Accessed on: 29.03.11)
The Sculptor's Nightmare Part 03 (1908)
(Accessed on: 29.03.11) The Sculptor's Nightmare 1908. In: Internet Movie [Online] (Accessed on: 29.03.11) The Gumby Show. In: Internet Movie [Online] (Accessed on: 29.03.11)
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Presentation almost finished.
Monday, 28 March 2011
Robot Chicken and Celebrity Death Match
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Can we have a meeting on monday please and get everything written down. i dont mind putting the presentation together again as long as you dont send me the info last min becuase i really dont want to be sat up all night again refferencing and everything, but yeh if we research the stuff callum and sam have posted on here then on monday bring it all in and we can sit down and do a time line again. it would be good if everyone could make it this time and everyone could bring some research with them so we know what we are doing, without sounding horrible i feel some of us worked a lot harder than others last time when i came to research so it would be nice if everyone could get some research for monday as it is a group thing.
So yeah if we can get some research and bring it monday we can sit do a time line again like last time and sort out whos doing what slide, sound ok ?
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Nick Park on King Kong & Ray Harryhausen
Nick Park Influences
Forget previous post!!!!
Thank you for reading. :D
I would like to show how he was influenced by retro gameing for his film scot pilgrim.
I would then like to show how he used scott pilgrim to influenced the new "Be the controller" age of gameing and how scott pilgrim made people want to live in a ga,me world.
Please comment soon to how you feel about this were running out of time.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Notes From Last Essay (hope this is not cheating)
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Hey Peoples
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Hey guys
I liked sams idea of Edgar Wright as he has been influenced by retro gameing and old style black english comedy but i cant find a way to link him to the future sam i know yourer a big fan so maby you can help lol.
hope everyone sees this soon :)
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Death of Marat Slides.
The French Revolution - a very short introduction -
William Doyle.Thursday, 3 March 2011
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
just need to add on nat's part in the morning and our conclusion points.
introduction :)

hey abby i hope your okay. Heres a screenshot of my slide im useing open office and that program dosnt like it lol. I hope theire not to bad ill send them to your email too.
image source 1:,r:3,s:0
Image source 2:,r:15,s:0
thats a direct link
Bad spelling im sorry im not very good at powerpoint ill let you snazz it up a bit lol
Thaks for all the post everyone made this easyer for me :D
Go Group 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
ps do you think my stuff good??
PowerPoint Slide and Notes
The American Revolutionary War
this is my part of the presentation so far. It's very breif because i've written notes to go along with it i didn't want to put too much on the slides otherwise i wouldnt have anything to say. i will probably add a quote to the third slide to back up what i'm talking about but this is it so far. If you could let me know what you all think that would be great because i can add more if you think it's appropriate. But yeah just let me know what you think.
Cheers :)
once you've done your slides send them to me at
haha i know im lame but it's really old.
but yeah either post them on here or send them to me in a pdf and ill put them all together then i'll post it up on here and we can all have a look see if it flows :)
Write up done. Any changes please feel free to comment :D
Just my noats Abbie ill send you links to pictures I want on my slides if thats okay.
………. This then leads us on to the events in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Iran today in the fact that the countries people like the French and Americans before them are overthrowing their undemocratic rulers in hope for a democratic system to replace them.
It can be seen that these courtiers all want a more western theology towards rule unlike the French revolution where socialism was the main figurehead for the revolt countries like Libya seem to adherer to the American revaluations idea of democracy.
Most western powers are now pushing for Libya to become a democracy, Hillary Clinton the Us Secutary of state said that “Libya could become a peaceful democracy or face years of civil war” ( - 1/3/2011) we can see a change as well in the way people respond to revolutions comparing this to the English reaction in both the French and American revolutions is quite different. In the case of the French revolution England was rather worried that the revolution would catch on and that the common people would overthrow their governments. This is quite similar to the crisis in North Africa because Egypt’s revolution has taken on a domino effect setting other revolutions of in its wake.
Col gadaffi can be compaered to King george the III on his veiw about people protesting his rule. Col Muammar Gaddafi has quoted "Those inciting are very few in numbers and we have to capture them." ( - 1/3/2011) This shows many that Col Gaddafi has lost his grip on the full force of overwhelming support for his resignation. This can be liked to the American Revolution in when King George the III said “Once vigorous measures appear to be the only means left of bringing the Americans to a due submission to the mother country, the colonies will submit.” ( - 1/3/2011) This goes along the same lines of Col Gaddaffi and many also think that King George was Insane.
The last like I wanted to link the role of martyrs in revalution. In June 2009 an iranian woman called Neda Agha-Soltan went to one of the anti dictatorship protests happening in iran at the time. At one point the car she was in got stuck in a large gruope of people. When Neda go out of the car an member of the iranian security force shot into the crow hitting Neda in the cheast. She died within seconds. As this happened a passer by caught her death on camera and it was circled on the web within a matter of hours and quickly Neda became a martyr for the revalution. Unlike Marat the medium of the martydom is very different with marat it was a painting and with Neda it was a camera and the internet. This shows us that thirere will always be martyrs in history but their martydom becomes more know quicker as technology advances.
Its a little long I cant seem to get it below 3:20 any suggestions for what I can cut I need an outside opinion.
Have a good evening everyone.